The priestesses of the temple of Apollo in Delphi, called Pythia, were known to be the voice of the God. Seekers would come to Delphi to ask a question of Apollo and the Pythia would deliver an Oracle. The priestess would enter a trance-like state inhaling sweet-smelling noxious fumes rising from fissures beneath the temple in order to connect with Apollo and deliver his prophecy. Above the temple door were the phrases “Know Thyself” and “Nothing in Excess” as a warning to seekers that the oracle is open to the interpretation of he or she who is asking. A yes or no question would be answered with either a white bean or a black bean. This was also open to be interpreted by the receiver of their oracle.
The Oracle
Medium and Substrate
Oil on Linen on Aluminum
21" W x 14" H
Framed by Artist