Britt freda
Largely influenced by a “lifelong fascination, awe, and love for the natural world,” Britt Freda’s paintings are simultaneously overlaid by a deep personal concern regarding human impact on natural and social environments. Beneath an image or surface of paint, she often includes etched words or illegible narrative as well as pieces of collaged layers from her children’s drawings or newspaper articles, seed pods, or notes of poetry.
While her paintings most often visually reference seeds, plants, bees, birds, bovine, equine, and/or human figures, she says she is “most drawn to the patterns, scratches, drips, and dirt of the understories exposed in the layers of a dissolving image, and thus dissolving the notion of what a mind has preconceived.” Freda says, “Dissolved interconnectedness is revealed and we are reminded that we are indivisible from our natural environment or from each other.”